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Why Is Heroin Addiction So Hard To Treat?

It has been proven time after time that alcoholism and drug addiction are amenable to treatment. Each year, millions of Americans celebrate another anniversary of sobriety, surrounded by grateful family members who remember the agony and misery of days gone by.

But while the success stories are uplifting, the failures are disheartening; unfortunately, the latter are far more common. People dragging the chains of addiction often suffer for years without finding relief, and even those who have apparently entered the ranks of the recovered are vulnerable to relapse at any time.

Recovery is a fragile affair, and when a flirtation with sobriety morphs into a lasting behavioral change, this is the exception rather than the rule. There are currently 25 million to 30 million practicing drug addicts and problem drinkers in the United States. Over time, a good proportion of these active substance abusers will manage to pull themselves out of the quicksand of addiction, but their struggle will be long and difficult with an end result that is far from certain.

Beating addiction is hard, but beating a heroin addiction is a challenge that can break the backs of even the most resilient people. Heroin has become infamous for the tenacious hold it gains on its victims, and the acute pain of withdrawal associated with the recovery process has become the stuff of legend. Heroin users are also vulnerable to lethal diseases such as HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis, which can be passed intravenously through the sharing of needles. The danger of a fatal overdose is also higher with heroin than with most illegal drugs, which emphasizes the degree to which heroin addicts are constantly menaced by the specter of death.

The Seven Obstacles to Sobriety

It is notoriously difficult to treat heroin addiction. Some of the issues that interfere with the attempts of addicts to overcome their dependency include:

A Treatment Revolution in the Making?

Drug treatments for heroin addiction have much to recommend them. While replacing heroin with  buprenorphine or naltrexone doesn’t directly free an addict from drug dependency, it will get heroin out of the addict’s life and give medical professionals a better chance to guide him or her back to sobriety safely and sustainably. Many treatment experts have resisted this type of therapy in the past, based on philosophical objections as much as anything, but attitudes appear to be evolving. Drug treatments of heroin addiction, used in conjunction with traditional therapy, may in fact be the wave of the future.

If drug therapy for heroin addiction really works as well as its supporters claim, it could be a godsend for heroin addicts. These unfortunate souls have been claimed by a brain disease that, up until now, has been extraordinarily difficult to treat. Of course the best “cure” for heroin addiction is to never try it, but human beings make poor choices all the time and are forced to deal with the consequences. Drug addiction is a relentless predator, and when it sinks its teeth into its victims, it will refuse to let go without a ferocious struggle.