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Daddy (or Mommy) – Why Do You Drink?

It might be a painful topic for some parents, while for others, the issue may have never yet come up. But if you do have young children, would you know what to say if your son or daughter asks: “Daddy (or Mommy), why do you drink?”

Of course, what we say to young children, who are most impressionable in their early years, may have a lot to do with how our children behave toward alcohol and other illicit substances in their teens and young adult years. Those early memories instill tacit approval of drinking and substance use in children and this often shows up years later when the children have matured – and have problems of their own with substance abuse and dependence.

Granted not every parent has a problem with drinking. But even occasional use of alcohol is enough to spark children’s curiosity and interest in why we drink at all. Here are some of the reasons many parents give their children why they (the parents) drink.

Facts About How Parental Drinking Affects Children

Bu the time children are in high school, about 80 percent of them have already tried alcohol. They are exposed to drinking at home, among their friends, and see the influence of alcohol in the mass media. Is it any wonder that they feel entitled to drink?

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) has stated that more than one-fourth of all children in the United States (19 million children) have been exposed to alcoholism in the family, alcohol abuse, or both by the time they are 18 years old.

Teens who live with fathers who drink are more likely to drink alcohol, binge drink (consumption of five or more drinks on a single occasion), and use illicit drugs than children of fathers who do not drink. This is according to a 2009 study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) entitled, “Father’s Alcohol Use and Substance Use Among Adolescents” (// And, if the father has an alcohol abuse disorder, the chances that the children will drink and do drugs as teenagers and young adults increases dramatically.
Children who begin drinking before the age of 15 are more likely to experience problems with alcohol as they mature.
If their parents do not support them, keep track of their whereabouts and behavior, and do not communicate openly with them, children whose parents also drink are likely to begin to experiment with and potentially have problems with alcohol.

How Parents Can Drink Responsibly

No one’s saying that parents, as intelligent adults, can’t drink alcohol in a safe and responsible way. And no one is saying that all alcohol drinking is wrong, or that no one should ever drink. But it is incumbent upon parents to exercise good judgment about when and where they drink, especially if there are young children – their own or those of others – present.

Best rule of thumb is to never drink alcohol in front of your children. Other than that, use alcohol moderately.
Monitor all alcohol usage in your home. Keep track of the supply. If you do have alcohol in the home, it should be safeguarded in a locked liquor cabinet.

Never allow children to sip your drinks to taste them or finish them.

Never leave drinks unattended or left on tables and counters overnight after a party or get-together.

Never ask your son or daughter to get you a beer or refresh your drink or bring more ice cubes to your drink.

Ways to Proactively Prevent Alcohol Drinking by Your Children

There’s no question that the number one way to prevent alcoholic consumption by your children is to set a good example. If your children do not see you regularly consume alcohol, or if you do so, it’s in a moderate and responsible manner, they will begin to incorporate the family values about alcohol consumption.

Your attitudes and behavior toward teen alcohol use will also influence your child. Never make jokes about underage drinking or drunkenness, or show any acceptance of teenage alcohol consumption. This has to be a hard and fast rule: no alcohol consumption is permitted for children in your family.

Maybe your child has come right out and asked you if you drank as a child. Many parents have done so and don’t feel comfortable talking about it. They’re embarrassed, don’t know what to say, feel guilty, or feel that they can’t preach to their children to not do what they themselves did. Experts recommend that if you don’t feel comfortable talking about your childhood alcohol use, tell them that you do not wish to discuss that at this time. If you do think you can talk about it, simply tell them that you did try alcohol when you were a child, but that it was wrong to do so. You can also give an example of something painful or embarrassing that occurred as a result of your drinking as a child. The reason to do this is to share with your children the potential negative consequences of underage drinking.

Help your children get all the facts about the dangers of alcohol. There’s a terrific website, the Cool Spot (//, provided by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

What Will You Say?

In the end, what you say to your son or daughter who asks you, “Daddy (or Mommy), why do you drink?” is all up to you. Try to understand that your child, depending on his or her age, may simply be curious about what it is that you find so appealing about the liquid in that glass or bottle or can that you keep going back to.

They may be reacting to emotional or physical cues that they see from you. They may be feeling neglected or scared or in desperate need of your attention.

In some cases, they may be so used to seeing you drinking that they really wonder what the behavior is all about. The older your child is, the more likely he or she will associate your drinking behavior with the kind of behavior they’ve seen played out on TV, in the movies, perhaps even in public or at get-togethers with family and friends.

It’s tough being a parent at times. But doing the right thing by your children with respect to alcohol consumption is something that you have a limited window of opportunity to do. Why be defensive about drinking alcohol? Why drink in your children’s presence at all? Why take the risk?

In the end, parents want the best for their children. Let’s give them the right foundation to begin with.