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How to Talk to Kids About Drugs and Alcohol

Don’t let your children pay the price for your denial and inaction.

You’ve probably never tried to pull one of your own teeth. But if you have, and you are also the parent of an adolescent son or daughter, you may have discovered that talking to your kids about serious and important topics is actually more difficult than performing your own dental interventions. If the legendary folk hero John Henry were a modern father, even he would have difficulty breaking through the stone walls that teenagers build up around themselves, and no matter how caring or attentive a parent might be, it can be all but impossible to get some adolescents to open up about what has been happening in their lives.

But when the topics for discussion are drugs and alcohol, failure to communicate is not an option. The stakes are too high and the dangers too real, as teens eager to grow up and to obtain the approval of their peers frequently begin experimenting with intoxicating substances long before they are ready to handle the consequences.

So how exactly do you initiate a substantive and productive conversation with your teenage children about such an awkward topic? Here are three suggestions for approaching the situation that can help you bridge the generation gap and break down those formidable walls that kids so often put up to protect themselves from the prying eyes of their interrogators (a.k.a. mom and dad):

It will not easy to talk to your teenagers about drugs and alcohol. In fact, you will probably be doing a lot of squirming while those discussions are taking place. But if you don’t speak to your children before temptation comes along, you may have no choice but to speak to them about it later, after they have been arrested for DUI, been involved in a traffic accident or been forced to enroll in a court-ordered substance abuse program. Drugs and alcohol can cause enormous troubles for young people, and if you stick your head in the sand and refuse to face the risks they represent, your children could end up paying a very heavy price for your denial and inaction.