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Cocaine Proving to be a Hard Drug to Crack

There are a number of individuals throughout the world that deal with addictions. For those with a cocaine addiction, this one has proven to be one of the most difficult to beat. Individuals who complete treatment for a cocaine addiction may or may not experience a full recovery as it can depend on other factors.

A recent Science Daily post examined study findings indicating that a high score on the so-called ‘scale of craving,’ an antisocial personality type and previous heroin abuse are all factors that are most commonly involved in situations where people fall back into the cocaine habit.

In this study, researchers looked at a sample of 38 people, with an average age of 31, who sought treatment for problems related to abuse of cocaine in drug treatment centers in Galicia – in northern Spain – and studied them at the start of their therapy and then again two years later.

According to study findings, impulsiveness and the desire for new sensations are also factors involved with substance abuse. “It’s no surprise that people who have tried substances such as heroin, which is broadly rejected by society, score highly for impulsiveness and sensation-seeking, and these are also features that are characteristic of an antisocial personality type,” said one of the researchers.

The study also highlighted that contrary to popular belief, a patient who is depressed or anxious at the start of treatment does not necessarily have worse long-term results. The symptoms can often be a consequence of cocaine use and once the drug is discontinued, they start to improve.

The lack of focus on individuals as they move through cocaine treatment inspired this study and researchers argue that additional investigation is needed to help improve treatment outcomes.