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Depression in High School

Are you struggling with how to help a depressed friend? If so, you are not alone. Depression affects more than 3 million teenagers each year, and most of them have friends like you who are trying to find ways to help.

Because you are a close friend, you are in a unique position to observe changes in mood and behavior, to be supportive and to help direct your friend to appropriate resources. However, it is important to remember that you are not a doctor and should not attempt to diagnose or treat anyone you think may be struggling with depression.

Signs and Symptoms of Depression

Depression is described as having a depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure that lasts for more than two weeks and interferes with the ability to engage in everyday life functions. Depression can be mild (lasting a short period of time), chronic (persisting for two or more years) or major (a depressed mood in addition to at least four other symptoms that illustrate a change in functioning, such as problems with energy, sleeping, eating, concentration and self-image). Have you observed changes in your friend’s behavior that could be related to any of these signs or symptoms?

Signs of depression vary and can include persistent:

How to Help a Depressed Friend

If you believe your friend may be suffering from depression, you can help them by following some simple tips.

Figuring out how to help a depressed friend can be a difficult task. Depression is a serious illness and requires a variety of interventions to achieve the best results. Don’t be afraid to talk to your friend about how they are feeling. With proper treatment, people suffering from depression can recover and rediscover joy and meaning in life.
