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Coping Strategies for Mild Anxiety

To the person who suffers from anxiety, the term “mild” may seem like a misnomer. Anxiety attacks or feelings of anxiousness are rarely mild to the sufferer, but there is a clinical place for the term. The term “mild” does not intend to lessen the prevalence of this condition, but rather to define the level of distress it causes.

Mild anxiety is one of many disorders that fall into the classification of “anxiety disorders.” Most individuals who fall into the category of having mild anxiety struggle with nervousness but don’t have a fully functioning anxiety disorder. Most of their anxious feelings can be tied to real issues that they have to deal with. This is very different from generalized anxiety disorder, in which an individual feels extremely worried or nervous about things even when there is little or no reason for worry.

So, what if you have mild anxiety? How do you cope with it? Consider the following strategies that have been tried and proven by mild anxiety sufferers and health professionals.

Talk to Yourself

When you begin to worry, ask yourself if it is a real problem. Is it something you are truly experiencing or is it a perceived issue?

Coping With Others

There are many people in our lives who are available to help us when we need it. Sometimes they don’t know we need help until we tell them. Let them help you!

Lifestyle Strategies

Many of these coping strategies can help to lessen your nervousness. By taking control of your feelings now, you may be able to prevent yourself from walking through the door to an anxiety disorder.