You searched for ""major depression"". Here are the results:

Working Conditions Play Huge Role in Employee Depression

Workplace depression is an informal term used to describe depression symptoms linked to social and interpersonal conditions in the workplace, as well as to other work-related factors. Current evidence indicates that this type of depression places a significant mental/emotional strain on the supervisors and employees of small and large businesses, and also places a significant […]

‘It’s Not Just Me’: Amazing Benefits of Group Therapy for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is one of the most challenging psychiatric disorders.  With moods that often hit crippling extremes and bizarre behavior that is difficult to understand – let alone explain to others – bipolar sufferers can feel very isolated and alone.  Medication is often necessary, but has its limits.  Individual and family therapy can also be […]

Extreme Night Owl Teens May Have Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome

Delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS) is a condition characterized by a change in sleeping patterns that delays a person’s habitual sleeping sessions by two or more hours a night. The condition forms one specific subtype of a group of officially recognized mental health disorders called circadian rhythm sleep disorders. Teenagers develop DSPS more often than […]

Depressed People Have a More Accurate Perception of Time

Depressive realism is a term mental health professionals sometimes use to describe a tendency among depressed people to realistically judge their relationship to certain features of their surroundings. This tendency goes against the grain of much of a depressed person’s thought processes, which typically distort reality in significant ways. In a study published in August […]

Men and Women Equally Depressed, Study Finds

Depression is a common term that can refer to either one specific mental health condition—called major depression—or to a larger group of conditions known as depressive disorders. Current statistics indicate that women in the U.S. develop some form of depression much more often than men. However, according to the results of a new study published […]

Antipsychotic Medications Increase Diabetes Risk

Antipsychotic medications are a diverse assortment of medications designed to treat psychosis, the collective term for a number of symptoms found in people with schizophrenia and several other mental disorders. Doctors generally divide antipsychotics into two groups: older medications called typical antipsychotics and newer medications called atypical antipsychotics. Recent findings indicate that people who take […]

Psychodynamic psychotherapy, also known as psychoanalytic psychotherapy, is a modern form of talk therapy that has its roots in psychoanalysis, the technique first developed by Sigmund Freud and other pioneering doctors. Mental health professionals use psychodynamic psychotherapy in adult populations to address the effects of a number of disorders, including major depression, anorexia, borderline personality […]

Off-Label Use of Antipsychotics Alarms Experts

Turn on the TV for two or three hours and you’re likely to see a commercial for Abilify – one of the newer antipsychotic medications being used to treat a variety of symptoms and disorders.  It’s advertised as an adjunct medication for those taking antidepressants for depression who aren’t quite experiencing the benefits they’d hoped […]

Can You ‘Catch’ Depression?

Empathy is the term that psychologists use to describe the ability to mentally place oneself in another person’s “world” and see life from his or her perspective. Some aspects of empathy depend on rational thought processes in the brain, while other aspects depend on the brain’s emotional processes. According to the results of a new […]

Depression Puts Women at Increased Risk for Domestic Violence, Study Finds

Domestic violence is the collective term for a range of behaviors designed to assert or maintain control over a partner in an intimate relationship. While men and women can both become targets of this type of violence, women remain far more susceptible than men. Doctors and mental health researchers already know that exposure to domestic […]

Nebulous Goals Set By Depressed People Fuel Illness

Depression is one of the most common forms of mental illness in the U.S. and across large sections of the world. Among its many symptoms, the disorder can trigger a loss of the normal ability to feel motivated or pursue pleasurable or fulfilling activities. According to the results of a new study released in July […]

Reducing the Impact of Obesity on Mental Health

Doctors use the term obesity to describe levels of body weight that are high enough to seriously endanger one or more aspects of a person’s health. Specific problems linked to the presence of obesity include type 2 diabetes, strokes, hypertension, arthritis, high cholesterol, heart disease and certain types of cancer. Obesity is also frequently a […]

Treating Insomnia Alone Doesn’t ‘Fix’ Underlying Disorder

Millions of people in the U.S. struggle to get a good night’s sleep on a regular basis.  In some cases, insomnia is caused by physical ailments, such as seasonal allergies or chronic pain.  For many others, however, sleep disturbances are directly linked to mental health problems, such as depression or anxiety.  Unfortunately, frequent or chronic […]

Seasonal Affective Disorder: Helping SAD Sufferers Sleep Soundly

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a depressive illness that usually appears during the fall and wintertime when daytime light levels start to naturally decrease. It produces symptoms very similar to those associated with major depression and other depression-related conditions. According to the results of a new study published in 2013 in the Journal of Affective […]

Using Facebook to Identify College Students Suffering From Depression

Physical wounds are often easy to see or sense. A broken arm shows an obvious cast. A broken foot comes with a limp. What about a broken psyche? That’s often harder to spot, but social media could be a valuable window into the mental health of individuals who need help. College campuses have become swamped […]

How to Survive the Loss of a Child

Any parent who has lost a child understands why there are no words in our language that could ever describe the gut-wrenching pain and grief. It doesn’t matter whether your child died after a long illness or if your child passed away suddenly – either way can leave you feeling broken, your heart shattered into […]

Grief and Substance Abuse – Coping after a Loss

Losing someone you love is one of the most painful trials life can throw your way.  It’s common to experience a range of emotions, from denial and anger to sadness and despair. Each person who goes through the grieving process does it in his or her unique way. Some, however, will turn to alcohol or […]

Mentally Ill Entering Prison Far Outnumber Those Receiving Hospital Care

Incarceration in a local jail, state prison, or federal prison is highly associated with a wide range of mental illnesses in the United States. Over half of all people incarcerated at the local or state levels have a significant mental health issue, and nearly half of all people incarcerated at the federal level have a […]

Treating Bipolar I Disorder

Bipolar I disorder is a very serious psychiatric disorder.  If left untreated, it can result in disastrous consequences, tearing families apart and destroying lives in many ways.  For most people who are diagnosed with it, bipolar I disorder is a lifelong condition that requires ongoing treatment.  Currently, there is no cure for this complex, challenging […]

Effective Treatment for Depressive Personality Traits

Depressive personality disorder (DPD) is an unofficial mental health condition characterized by the presence of several different symptoms that leave affected individuals in chronically depressed or melancholy moods. Despite the unofficial status of the disorder, current evidence indicates that depressive personality traits can seriously diminish a person’s sense of well-being, especially when these traits appear […]

Recovering from Dysthymia

Dysthymia (or dysthymic disorder) is a serious form of depression that, by definition, lasts for a period of at least two years. While it produces relatively moderate symptoms, its long-term effects on a person’s mood and life outlook can easily be as disruptive or debilitating as the effects associated with major depression (major depressive disorder). […]

Bullying Leads to Depression, Substance Abuse in Teenagers

Bullying is a term used to describe a wide range of aggressive actions intended to intimidate, manipulate, demean or socially stigmatize others. While these actions were once viewed as simply part of “growing up,” mental health professionals now understand that they can have a seriously negative short- and/or long-term impact on the mental, emotional or […]

New Study Confirms Link Between Marijuana Use and Mental Illness

Marijuana is the most popular form of a substance called cannabis, which comes from the leaves, flowers, and stems of a group of related plant species. In the past, a number of studies have linked marijuana use to an elevated risk for developing at least some of the symptoms of certain diagnosable mental illnesses. A […]

Depression in Preschool Is Real

Preschool depression is the term mental health professionals use to describe symptoms of major depression that appear in children younger than 6. At one point, there was considerable doubt among these professionals that such a condition truly existed. However, evidence gathered in the last several years strongly supports its reality. According to a study published […]

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