Tag Archives: Eating Disorders

Women with Anorexia Nervosa More Likely to Have Unwanted Pregnancies

A new study has found that women with anorexia nervosa are more likely to have unplanned pregnancies and induced abortions than women who don’t have the eating disorder. The results suggest that this could be partly due to the fact that many women with anorexia mistakenly believe that they can’t get pregnant because they may […]

Binge Eating to Be Added to Mental Disorders Manual

In two hours or less, do you eat an amount of food that is significantly larger than most people would consume in the same time and under similar circumstances? Do you eat until uncomfortably full, and more rapidly than most people would, at least once a week, for a minimum of three months? Do you […]

Who’s to Blame for Anorexia?

Painfully thin, emaciated, starving – these words come to mind when looking at photographs of malnourished children in third-world countries. But they’re not the only ones suffering – and they’re not suffering by choice. Anorexia, or specifically, anorexia nervosa, a mental disorder manifesting itself as an eating disorder, involves deliberate choice to avoid food, an […]

Eating Disorders and Alcoholism

In recent years, studies have shown that almost half of those who have an eating disorder also regularly abuse drugs or alcohol. Approximately 35% of people who abuse drugs or alcohol also have an eating disorder. This trend is particularly common in young teenage girls, so parents should take note of this in case they […]