Tag Archives: cancer

Smoking Long or Ultralong Cigarettes Magnifies Lung Cancer Risk

Long and ultra-long cigarettes have a noticeably longer and thinner profile than standard cigarettes. Tobacco product manufacturers apparently market these cigarettes to appeal to women and enhance the perceived safety of smoking; however, use of long and ultra-long cigarettes may actually increase a person’s cancer-related risks. In a study published in March 2014 in the […]

Smokers Avert Eyes From Cigarette Pack Warnings, Study Finds

In the U.S., federal law requires cigarette manufacturers to place warnings on their products that outline the serious health risks associated with cigarette use. These warnings are meant to deter people from smoking and also to encourage current smokers to cut down on their cigarette intake or stop smoking altogether. In a study published in […]

Third-hand Smoke Affects Lungs, Liver, Healing, New Study Finds

If you can smell cigarette smoke in your house, hotel room, rental car or workplace, you may be damaging your health by exposure to third-hand smoke, a new study has found. Living, working or lodging in houses, offices, hotels and vacation rentals where cigarettes have been smoked may be as dangerous to your health as […]

Betel Quids Threaten Asia With Oral Cancer

Betel quids, also commonly referred to as betel nuts, are the fourth most commonly used psychoactive substance in the world. Only tobacco, alcohol and caffeinated beverages are more commonly consumed.

Can Marijuana Send Brain Cancer Into Remission?

Research published in the journal Child’s Nervous System suggest that the combination of chemicals found in marijuana—the mixture of various cannabinoids—exerts an anti-tumor effect If the result is confirmed in further research, it may be that the combination of chemicals found in marijuana exerts an anti-tumor effect. Surprisingly, this has already been suggested by research […]

Study Identifies Clear Link between Alcohol Consumption and Cancer Risk

For years, researchers have been investigating the link between alcohol and cancer. Scientists have assumed that alcohol consumption increases the risk of several types of cancer. That assumption has now been confirmed with new research. Private MD Labs recently posted a piece that examines a study which is set to be published in January. This […]

Depression Shortens Lives of Cancer Patients

It is well known throughout the health care industry that there is a direct link between depression and serious illness. This link can have significant implications for anyone with an illness as it can hamper an individual’s ability to fully recover. US News recently reported that in cancer patients, depression can shorten a person’s life. […]

Do Tumors in Cancer Patients Produce Depression?

It isn’t out of the realm of understanding to hear that a person fighting cancer would have some mental reaction to their condition, such as depression. Depending upon the individual’s prognosis, a teetering between life and death can greatly impact the person’s outlook on life. Now it seems that depression associated with cancer patients is […]

Heavy Alcohol Consumption Linked to Bowel Cancer

The fact that alcohol can cause a variety of problems for an individual when consumed in large quantities is nothing new. But what does tend to be changing is the number of ailments identified that can result from consistent overuse of alcohol in the body. According to a new study featured in Science Daily, the […]