Tag Archives: equine therapy

Autism and Equine Therapy

The use of animals in medical therapy is not new. For years, scientists have encouraged the bonds that can be created between a patient and an animal and have recognized the power those bonds hold in healing a patient. Recently, the use of horses has been used to increase the development of individuals diagnosed with […]

5 Lessons People Can Learn From Horses in Equine Therapy

At The Ranch rehabilitation center in Tennessee, equine therapy is a way to experience change in a hands-on way by challenging people to look at themselves and the world in a new way. People who have struggled to make progress or achieve their treatment goals have made significant breakthroughs with the aid of equine therapy.

Animal Therapy is Making Strides in the Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

For years, animals have been used with great benefit in the treatment of the aged and the terminally ill. Now Animal Assisted Therapy is benefitting sufferers of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Soldiers share a deep bond based on the belief that none but a fellow soldier can understand what is seen and experienced by […]