Tag Archives: gender

Gender Gap in Spotting Depression

How alike are men and women, and how do they differ? There is a question for the ages. One bit of research seems to indicate that when it comes to mental health, men have more trouble admitting among themselves that something is amiss.

Gender Makes a Big Difference When Consuming Alcohol

The argument that there is no difference between men and women often does not hold water. Sure, educational ability and mental capacity are often gender neutral, but the impact of liquor intake is not. According to a Fox News piece, alcohol can take a greater toll on women than men, physically, mentally and socially. Women […]

Gender Differences Play a Role in Addiction

Drug abuse and addiction affect women and men differently, according to new studies presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. Some of the speakers asserted that this knowledge of gender-based differences should be used in pharmacological and behavioral treatments for addiction. Women begin using drugs at lower doses then men, their drug […]

Gender Plays a Role in Perception of Depression

There are many elements that can play into whether or not a person will suffer from mental-health problems such as depression. Genetics and environment have long been known to be major contributors. Now, scientists are looking at the role that gender plays in this illness, how it contributes to the way it is treated, and […]