Tag Archives: Prescription Drug Addiction

Are We Over-Medicating for Mental Health Problems?

In a country where we can buy over-the-counter pain relievers which portend to address highly specialized discomforts such as headache, joint ache, backache, migraine and mild arthritis could we be over-medicating for mental discomforts? Some are wondering if we have become a population that is ready to pop a pill the moment we feel even […]

New Study Seeks to Understand Heroin Use Among Young Suburbanites

The growing trend of younger initiates into heroin use among suburbanites captured the attention of researchers at the Robert Crown Center for Health Education in Hinsdale, Illinois. In a 10-month study, “Understanding Suburban Heroin Use,” for the Reed Hruby Heroin Prevention Project, researchers found that Chicago area suburban heroin users have little knowledge of heroin […]

Prescription Drug Misuse Is Common Gateway for Injection Drug Use among Adolescents

Initial abuse of prescription drugs such as Vicodin, oxycodone, and other opiates during adolescence has been found to be a common denominator among young injection drug users, according to a new study. Since prescription opioids are now the nation’s leading class of abused prescription drugs among adolescents and young adults, scientists have been concerned over […]

Migraine Sufferers May Endure More Headaches if Opiate or Barbiturate Painkillers Used

Migraine sufferers may unknowingly be making their painful headaches worse if they use drugs like OxyContin and Percocet, popular opiate painkillers that carry a high potential for abuse and addiction. Barbiturate painkillers are also believed to make headaches worse, including causing more frequent migraines, says a study in which researchers reviewed data from more than […]

Prescription Drug Abuse: A Growing Problem

It is easy to assume that a drug problem is only possible if a person were to take illegal drugs and become addicted. The problem with this assumption is it ignores the growing problem of abuse in terms of prescription drugs. The Reading Eagle recently posted a piece that highlights the ease in which “normal” […]

Medications Linked to Increased Risk of Falls for Elderly

It isn’t uncommon for the elderly to have a fall that can break bones or even leave the individual incapacitated. Now, new research suggests that these falls are easily associated with specific medications the individual may be taking. This research was summarized in a Science Daily release and found that several classes of drugs were […]

When Dentists Act as Drug Dealers

Kenny Morrison was a top chef at a trendy Los Angeles restaurant, often serving dinner to Hollywood stars. He lived in a beachfront home and generally loved life. But after he became addicted to pain medication after getting dental work in 2003, he lost everything. He began using Vicodin, OxyContin, and codeine to get through […]

Promises Drug Treatment Centers See a Troubling Rise in Opiate Addiction

Addiction Psychiatrist Dr. David Sack recommends an integrated approach to opiate addiction treatment to reduce the risk of relapse. (Vocus) July 1, 2009 — Speculation around the cause of Michael Jackson’s death has brought to the public eye what Promises Treatment Centers has long recognized as a growing problem: opiate prescription drug addiction. Very few […]

ADHD and Ritalin: The Problem of Unnecessary Diagnosis

In 2005, the Center for Disease Control released a report stating that 4.4 million children aged 4 to 17 years had been diagnosed with ADHD. Of those cases, 2.5 million (56 percent) were taking medication for the disorder. With roughly 10 percent of children in the United States estimated to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder […]

Study Finds Doctors Abusing Prescription Drugs

When endless debates surround the issue of solving the drug problem, rarely is the discussion targeted at doctors. According to Central Ohio News, there are hundreds of doctors in Ohio alone dealing with drug and alcohol addictions. What’s worse, the report notes that they are still in practice. The Harvard Review of Psychiatry published a […]

Abuse of Prescription Drugs Rising among Teens

Prescription drugs continue to be attractive to teens as they are often more easily acquired. These drugs are being abused by teens as they often deliver the same euphoria as illegal drugs without the cost. Now, studies show that roughly one in five teens are intentionally abusing prescription drugs and about one in 10 report […]

Painkiller Patch Can Lead to Dangerous Addiction

In 2005, morphine patches were introduced in Norway in the hopes of reducing the use and abuse of painkillers. However, researchers have found that the patches are often used incorrectly, which can lead to addiction. Like a nicotine patch, the morphine patch releases small, steady doses of medication over a long period of time, which […]

Illegal Adderall Use Increasing as “Study Drug”

While Adderall is routinely used to treat those suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), more and more people are finding that it also works to help boost endurance during tough days. A prescription amphetamine, most people who are using Adderall for its ability to stimulate are doing so without a prescription. According to a […]

OxyContin Addiction & the Law

Each type of substance abuse and addiction offers its own set of legal risks. Alcoholics run the risk of a DUI, which could lead to criminal charges or a costly personal injury suit. Illegal substance abusers, such as cocaine or heroin addicts, must always be vigilant for undercover drug enforcement agents when buying from a […]

Database Technology Ineffective in War on Prescription Drug Abuse

The “War on Drugs” used to focus on those hard-core street drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and ecstasy. Now, those charged with trying to keep these drugs off the streets are finding that they no longer pose the greatest threat. Instead, prescription medications are now the new opponents. The Sun Sentinel reported this latest craze, […]

Prescription Drug Abuse on the Rise in Senior Citizens

Over the past three decades, adults and children have been increasingly exposed to regular prescription drug use. Medications are routinely prescribed for ailments that range from minor to serious and everything in between. Unfortunately, many of these drugs have the potential to create a chemical or psychological dependency within their users.

Deaths from Prescription Drug Overdoses Eclipsing Deaths from Illegal Drugs

The danger associated with prescription drug abuse is one that has been receiving increased attention as of late, but the toll it is taking in the country continues to rise. Outlook Online reported the results from several studies on the subject that show significant increases in abuse and even death. A study released recently by […]

Michigan Initiates Attack on Prescription Drug Problem

While prescription drugs can play a vital role in the healthcare of individuals throughout the world, they can also be life threatening when used improperly or as a habit. For drug counselors, police officers, treatment providers and other professionals throughout the nation, prescription drug abuse is not only a health problem, it is a legal […]

Worsening Economy Likely to Increase Problems for Borderline Alcohol or Prescription Drug Users and Abusers

Economic woes threaten to derail our nation’s financial stability, but that’s not the only potential negative impact. As Americans face more and more economic uncertainty, and the stress that goes along with it, the greater the temptation to succumb to overuse and abuse of alcohol and prescription drugs. For individuals who are already borderline for […]