Tag Archives: schizophrenia

New Study Shows Heavy Methamphetamine Users May Have A Higher Schizophrenia Risk

Canadian researchers have found that heavy methamphetamine users may have a higher risk of developing schizophrenia. In the first worldwide study of its kind, scientists from Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) found evidence to support the conclusion that there may be a link between long-term heavy methamphetamine use and cannabis use in […]

Study Examines Potentials in Schizophrenia Treatments

As it can be a debilitating disease, scientists continue to research schizophrenia in the hopes of finding a cure or at least preventative measures to use in treatment. According to a recent Science Daily piece, researchers at UC Davis have found evidence that deficits in a brain chemical may be responsible for some of the […]

Studies Examine Gene Impact in Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia continues to be a puzzling disease and one that doctors cannot always effectively treat and scientists still don’t fully understand. A recent Science Daily release examined a report of two new studies in which researchers led by Johns Hopkins say they have identified the mechanisms rooted in anatomical brain abnormalities that could explain the […]

Study Shows Drug Treatment May Reverse Onset of Schizophrenia

The onset of schizophrenia can drastically change a person’s life and to try and better treat the disease, researchers everywhere are trying to develop easier ways to predict the occurrence. According to a Science Daily release, the prior existence of schizophrenia in the family is not enough to determine whether or not it will affect […]

Those with Schizophrenia More Likely to Encounter Criminal Justice System

A new study shows that people being treated for schizophrenia are more likely than the general population to have encounters with the criminal justice system in the US. The study, published in the open access journal BMC Psychiatry, has shown that schizophrenia patients’ involvement with the criminal justice system is primarily driven by their being victims of […]

Researchers Identify Gene Deletion that Leads to Learning and Behavior Issues

When an individual has challenges in their learning and behavior, parents and doctors usually want to know why. Now, a consortium of researchers led by Baylor College of Medicine in a report said that the loss of a gene through deletion of genetic material on chromosome 15 is associated with significant abnormalities in learning and […]

Brain Defect Could Predict Onset of Schizophrenia

In the first functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study of its kind, neurologists and psychiatrists at Columbia University have identified an area of the brain involved in the earliest stages of schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders. Activity in this specific region of the hippocampus may help predict the onset of the disease, offering opportunities for […]

Scientists Suggest Current Testing to Predict Schizophrenia Inaccurate

Testing for schizophrenia and bipolar disease may be dangerously inaccurate, according to scientists. A recent Reuters report on Health News suggests that as many as 30,000 different gene variations could underlie these diseases, making the predictability of these diseases very difficult to determine. A multinational group of researchers examined the DNA of 10,000 people with […]

New Research Identifies Greater Hope for Schizophrenia Patients

While schizophrenia can often be the butt of tasteless jokes, in reality it is a devastating disease for victims and their families. While there is no biochemical test that can identify this disorder, scientists believe that it is caused by the interaction of both genetic and environmental factors. A recent Science Daily piece recently examined […]

Study Finds Better Ways to Treat Schizophrenia

Instance of schizophrenia have puzzled researchers for years as the causes and promising treatments have changed with better and more in-depth research. The latest findings in this area have implicated machinery that maintains the flow of potassium in cells and revealed a potential molecular target for new treatments. Science Daily reported on an extensive series […]

Gluten May Act as Schizophrenia Trigger

With the countless stories available warning people against what they should eat, most are focused on the physical health of the person. Weight concerns are typically at the forefront, while cancer prevention and other benefits are also routinely examined. Now, new studies out of Scotland find that there could be a connection between certain foods […]