Tag Archives: workaholic

A Workaholic’s Health Crisis: What Happens a Year Later?

I’m approaching what I call my one-year “cardio-versary.” On June 12, 2014, I experienced the cumulative effects of stress on my cardiac muscle, which led to a fully occluded artery. I joined the more than 43 million women affected by heart disease each year.

On The Job All the Time

You can never work too hard or spend too much time on the job, or can you? Much research has been conducted on this topic and now a new test can determine your level of work addiction.

Understanding a Workaholic

Work is a blessing, whatever type of work we do. We can find satisfaction and self-esteem through performing any task well. Hard work is a worthy character trait. But sometimes, when a good thing gets out of balance, it can become a bad thing. This is true for the workaholic. A healthy commitment to doing […]

Are You a Workaholic?

Are you spending more and more time at the office? Has this behavior increased over the past six months to a year? Do you think – or suspect – that you may be a workaholic? This is no joking matter, for a true workaholic is headed for some potentially serious physical and psychological problems. How […]