Tag Archives: bipolar disorder

Treating Insomnia Alone Doesn’t ‘Fix’ Underlying Disorder

Millions of people in the U.S. struggle to get a good night’s sleep on a regular basis.  In some cases, insomnia is caused by physical ailments, such as seasonal allergies or chronic pain.  For many others, however, sleep disturbances are directly linked to mental health problems, such as depression or anxiety.  Unfortunately, frequent or chronic […]

Five Mental Disorders Are ‘Linked’ Through Our Genes

Researchers are constantly seeking clues that may unlock the mysteries of mental illness. A recent discovery about a genetic link between five major disorders has great potential for helping professionals find better ways to treat and diagnose mental illness. Scientists found genetic links between the following disorders: attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and schizophrenia. […]

Treating Bipolar I Disorder

Bipolar I disorder is a very serious psychiatric disorder.  If left untreated, it can result in disastrous consequences, tearing families apart and destroying lives in many ways.  For most people who are diagnosed with it, bipolar I disorder is a lifelong condition that requires ongoing treatment.  Currently, there is no cure for this complex, challenging […]

Depression, Bipolar Disorder May Increase Risk for Dementia Later in Life

Some people accept depression as a part of aging. They believe it is not uncommon that as people age, their brain functioning slows and depression may settle in. Caregivers may not be concerned because they believe it is inevitable and normal. But Dr. Deborah Barnes of the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center and University […]

Bipolar Disorder and Substance Abuse Among Teens

Co-morbidity is a technical term which describes the event of two conditions which occur together. Co-occurring conditions are quite common in medicine. Knowing which conditions tend to go hand-in-hand gives doctors and other health care providers clues as to what illnesses they must be on guard against or watchful of.

The Words of a Brave Survivor: A True and Unvarnished Picture of Bipolar Life

Unless the people around you are brilliantly aware and ceaselessly supportive, the troubling reality is that it often takes years, decades, for you to come to understand your life through the narrative of “brain disease.” Once you finally undertake an examination of the details of the disorder, only then does your life begin to make […]

Drug Interactions and Bipolar Disorder: Why Drug Use is Dangerous Under Treatment

Successful treatment of bipolar disorder largely depends upon finding the right combination of medication and therapy and adhering to it. Bipolar disorder is comorbid with drug abuse, meaning that people with a history of active bipolar disorder are at higher risk than the general population. This is partly a function of the disorder’s manic phases, […]

Differences Between Bipolar I and Bipolar II

Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness which is characterized by extreme shifts or swings in a person’s mood. Persons with bipolar disorder may one month be active and seemingly filled with inexhaustible reserves of energy and at another time be depressed and listless. These periods of alternating high and low mood are referred to […]

Detecting Bipolar Disorder By Examining Brain Activity

The rampage shootings which took place in a shopping mall and in an elementary school over the recent Christmas holiday have once again shined attention on what can happen when mental illness goes untreated. While many are discussing how to keep weapons out of the hands of shooters, others are talking about how to prevent […]

Managing Bipolar Disorder

From an episode of deep depression that keeps you bed-bound to a manic frenzy that triggers risky behavior, the mood swings of bipolar disorder can make you feel like your life is completely out of control. Episodes may be so severe that it becomes hard or impossible to hold a job, care for your family, […]

Risk Factors for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a challenging psychiatric condition. Formerly called manic depression, this chronic and potentially debilitating disorder is known for causing severe swings in mood and energy levels. People who suffer from bipolar I disorder, which is the most severe form of the disorder, don’t have the normal ups and downs most people experience in […]

What Causes Bipolar Disorder?

Managing the swings between the mania and depression of bipolar disorder is difficult for both the person with bipolar and the loved ones and friends who are nearby. The exact cause of bipolar is unknown, yet researchers have found several factors that can influence the onset of the disorder.

Celebrities Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder

If you have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, it would be understandable if you are feeling a combination of things. Relieved that there is finally an explanation for your behavior the last few months or even years can be followed by dread. Manic one moment could find you shopping as if it were an Olympic […]

How Diet May Affect Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder changes a person’s mood from one extreme to another, sometimes within a matter of minutes. Moods may quickly swing from depression to elation. Doctors prescribe medications to help ease the symptoms of Bipolar Disorder, but researchers have also found that certain foods can both help and hinder the effects of the mood disorder. […]

How Does Bipolar Disorder Affect a Family?

Bipolar disorder is characterized by the affected person’s swinging in mood from manic (depressed) to mania (hyper animated). Some persons with bipolar disorder experience mild to moderate mood swings and symptoms while others with the disorder experience more severe symptoms.

Bipolar Disorder and Self-Injury

Bipolar I, also known as manic depressive disorder, is a mental illness. In order to be diagnosed with bipolar, a person must experience a manic episode. Mania is characterized by abnormally high or "up" feelings accompanied by abnormal behavior. The person with bipolar disorder will often cycle between episodes of mania and depression, hence the […]

Actress Catherine Zeta-Jones Gives Hope by Discussing Bipolar Disorder

Academy award-winning actress, wife, mother – and person with bipolar disorder. The honesty and openness with which Catherine Zeta-Jones has discussed her recent diagnosis of bipolar disorder is helping reduce negative stereotypes about the disease, which is believed to affect up to three percent of people in the U.S.

High Rates of Substance Abuse Among Veterans with Mental Health Disorders

Previous studies have found high rates of substance abuse among U.S. veterans, and a new study finds the same among U.S. veterans with mental health disorders. The study, led by Dr. Ismene Petrakis of the Yale University School of Medicine, could be helpful in understanding the needs of veterans of different eras, and in targeting […]

Hypomania and Alcohol Use

Individuals with clinically significant Mood Disorders such as Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Disorder have long been considered to be at risk for alcohol abuse and dependence. Mood fluctuations such as those found in Bipolar Disorder are tied to substance use in multiple ways. Some with these conditions report substance use to self-medicate negative symptoms. The […]

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder Common in Adults with Major Depression, but Go Unnoticed

Many adults with major depression disorder may also be suffering from significant symptoms of bipolar disorder. A new study sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has found that almost 40% of adults with a history of major depressive disorder also experience subthreshold hypomania. Hypomania is a form of mania—a symptom of bipolar […]

Genes Examined in Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder can be a debilitating condition for those who suffer from its effects. As a result, scientists continue to examine this condition, its origin, treatment and even potential prevention. According to a release out of Science Daily, the malfunctioning circadian clock genes could be responsible for bipolar disorder in children. According to researchers in […]