Tag Archives: psychotherapy

Internationally Renowned Technology and Addiction Expert to Host Webinar for Therapists on Digital Life and Social Media

On Oct. 8, internationally renowned technology and addiction expert Robert Weiss, LCSW, CSAT-S, will conduct a free webinar on therapysites.com on the rapid integration of digital technology into everyday life and how therapists can respond to the constantly shifting challenges confronting them.

The Importance of Support Systems to Those with Bipolar

For people with bipolar disorder maintaining relationships are a crucial part of their overall ability to cope. There are many roles loved ones can fill, like recognizing the signs of an oncoming episode, helping manage those episodes and assist with getting the person back on their treatment track afterwards.

Just Faking Happiness Boosts Mood, Study Finds

You might think that figuring out what makes most people happy isn’t exactly rocket science, but sometimes the results of this type of study are surprising. Researchers at Washington State University (WSU) recently published results from a study that explored whether “acting happy” by engaging in outgoing behaviors would actually lead to a greater sense […]

How to Heal Youth After Psychological Trauma?

Evidence-based psychotherapy is the general term for forms of psychotherapeutic mental health treatment that have had their effectiveness verified by well-constructed scientific studies. Not all forms of psychotherapy meet this standard, and many people fail to gain a significant benefit from participation in non-evidence-based approaches. According to the authors of a study review published in […]

Positive Psychotherapy Helps Smokers Quit

Positive psychotherapy (PPT) is the name for a type of psychotherapeutic treatment that focuses on increasing and reinforcing a person’s positive emotional states rather than focusing on easing the effects of a person’s negative emotional states. In a study published in January 2014 in the Journal of Positive Psychology, researchers from several U.S. universities investigated […]

Ritual Prevention Therapy Good Addition to OCD Treatment

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a potentially debilitating mental health condition that centers on unpleasant, repetitive mental fixations, as well as ritualistic behaviors designed to reduce the potency of those fixations. Doctors commonly try to control the symptoms of OCD with antidepressant medications called SSRIs; however, these medications fail to produce an adequate benefit in substantial […]

At Risk for Depression? Try Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is how the old saying goes, and when it comes to mental health, nothing could be more true. The cost of depression is high, both for the people struggling with the disease and for all of those in their work, family and social circles. Depression […]

‘It’s Not Just Me’: Amazing Benefits of Group Therapy for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is one of the most challenging psychiatric disorders.  With moods that often hit crippling extremes and bizarre behavior that is difficult to understand – let alone explain to others – bipolar sufferers can feel very isolated and alone.  Medication is often necessary, but has its limits.  Individual and family therapy can also be […]


Psychodynamic psychotherapy, also known as psychoanalytic psychotherapy, is a modern form of talk therapy that has its roots in psychoanalysis, the technique first developed by Sigmund Freud and other pioneering doctors. Mental health professionals use psychodynamic psychotherapy in adult populations to address the effects of a number of disorders, including major depression, anorexia, borderline personality […]

DSM-5 – Important Changes in the Newest Edition of the Diagnostic Manual Used by Mental Health Professionals

If you’ve ever been evaluated by a mental health professional such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or clinical social worker, any diagnosis you received was based on the clinical criteria from a manual known as the DSM. DSM is short for “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders“; it’s essentially the diagnostic “bible” for anyone in […]

Understanding Identity Disorders

Meeting with a therapist can help an individual navigate life challenges and develop skills for dealing with everyday or more severe problems. In some cases, however, patients are meeting with a therapist to receive help for more severe problems. When it comes to some conditions, however, therapists are cautioned to avoid certain techniques.

Actress Catherine Zeta-Jones Gives Hope by Discussing Bipolar Disorder

Academy award-winning actress, wife, mother – and person with bipolar disorder. The honesty and openness with which Catherine Zeta-Jones has discussed her recent diagnosis of bipolar disorder is helping reduce negative stereotypes about the disease, which is believed to affect up to three percent of people in the U.S.

Motivational Interviewing: Drawing Out the Homeless

The sight of a bag lady or man pushing a grocery cart carrying their few worldly possessions is unnerving and all too common. On any given night in cities and towns across the U.S., the estimated number of individuals living on the streets is nearly 672,000. In the course of a single year, an estimated […]