Tag Archives: Marijuana

Even Casual Marijuana Use Harms Young Brain, Study Finds

Don’t say you haven’t been warned. New research has found that even casual marijuana use causes critical changes in the brains of young people from which they may never recover and should prompt President Barack Obama to rethink a view he expressed in January about marijuana being no more dangerous than alcohol, one scientist said. The first-of-its-kind study on recreational marijuana, published April 16 […]

Should Parents Tell Kids About Their Own Marijuana Use?

With the changing laws and shifting public attitudes surrounding marijuana use, it is inevitable that as a parent you will have to talk to your children about pot. There are many things to consider when having this discussion, and you should know the facts surrounding this highly popular drug if you’re going to give your kids the best […]

Government Underestimates Marijuana Use, RAND Study Finds

Marijuana use is clearly identified by addiction specialists and public health experts as a reliable source of cases of both drug abuse and drug addiction. Despite this fact, there is a widening trend in the U.S. to decriminalize or legalize this drug and make it available for adult intake. In a report issued to the […]

Brain Changes Pronounced in Schizophrenics Who Smoke Marijuana

Cannabis use disorder is the standard term for people diagnosed with cannabis (marijuana or hashish) addiction or a pattern of dysfunctional, non-addicted cannabis use that causes serious impairment or life disruption. People affected by this disorder commonly experience changes in their brain function that include significant memory problems. In a study published in December 2013 […]

Teens Who Use Marijuana Hurt Memory, Study Finds

Marijuana has been all over the news, with two states legalizing its recreational use and more than 20 legalizing the drug for medical use. Critics of these measures have voiced concerns that the increasingly casual attitude toward marijuana will harm people, especially young adults and teens. In many ways, marijuana is less harmful than other […]

Butane Hash Oil Dangerous Marijuana Fad

In the midst of a massive shift in public opinion about the status of marijuana, the popularity and availability of a potent concentrate has been growing and it has many health officials worried. The substance is called butane hash oil, and right now, it’s all the rage among young cannabis enthusiasts.

Kennedy Assails Obama on Marijuana Claims

The war on drugs seems to be grinding to a halt across the U.S., thanks to legislation enacted in Colorado and Washington allowing the legal sale of marijuana and an apparent nationwide shift in opinion on the subject. Now, as the first legal, retail store purchases of marijuana are getting underway in Colorado, New York […]

Can the Antipsychotic Quetiapine Ease the Effects of Cannabis Withdrawal?

Quetiapine (Seroquel) is a medication designed to treat the symptoms of psychosis in people affected by schizophrenia, as well as the symptoms associated with depression and bipolar disorder. Previous studies have also indicated that the medication may have usefulness in the treatment of certain disorders related to substance abuse, including a condition called cannabis withdrawal. […]

Can Marijuana Send Brain Cancer Into Remission?

Research published in the journal Child’s Nervous System suggest that the combination of chemicals found in marijuana—the mixture of various cannabinoids—exerts an anti-tumor effect If the result is confirmed in further research, it may be that the combination of chemicals found in marijuana exerts an anti-tumor effect. Surprisingly, this has already been suggested by research […]

Does Cannabis Use Change Outcome of Opioid Dependence Treatment?

Opioid dependence is the term used to describe a reliance on the effects of opioid drugs or medications. In some cases, dependent people go on to develop the drug cravings and dysfunctional behaviors associated with opioid addiction. Opioid-dependent people often use cannabis in the form of marijuana, hashish or hashish oil. In a study published […]

Teens With Cannabis Use Disorder Lose Brain Function

Cannabis use disorder is a new mental health term used to identify people seriously affected by issues related to cannabis (marijuana or hashish) abuse or addiction. It belongs to a range of abuse- and addiction-related problems called substance use disorders. According to the results of a study published in November 2013 in the journal Drug […]

Canada Launches Free Market for Marijuana

Medical marijuana isn’t going away any time soon. Twenty U.S. states have medical marijuana programs (and two of those have also legalized the drug for recreational use) and the system in Canada is about to be ramped up in terms of production and hopefully, quality. The Canadian government legalized medical use of the drug in […]

Marijuana: Exercise Could Trigger Extra High

Numerous athletes, including Usain Bolt, Michael Phelps, Mark Stepnoski and many others, have been users of marijuana, with many even stating that the drug has made their workouts more enjoyable. Now a recent study is showing a potential reason: an extra boost of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, gets released during exercise shortly […]

Parents Who Support Marijuana Legalization Want Strict Rules for Kids, Survey Finds

With the wave of public approval for the legalization of marijuana sweeping the country, a new study shows that even parents who were once pot smokers want tough restrictions in place to protect their kids from the dangers of the drug. Two key restrictions most parents favor are: Make 21 the legal age for using […]

Who Knew? Long-Term Marijuana Use Blunts Motivation, Study Finds

Images of stoners staring off into space, reacting with sudden or unexpected moves to threats only they can see are a mainstay of movies and television plots where long-term drug use plays at least a peripheral part of the overall plot. In fact, audiences are so used to associating complete lack of motivation with chronic […]

Links Between Marijuana Use and Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a severe disorder that alters aspects of normal mental health such as the ability to distinguish reality from fantasy and the ability to exhibit appropriate emotional and social responses to a given situation. People affected by the disorder often have debilitating degrees of mental and social impairment. Statistically speaking, schizophrenics smoke marijuana much […]

New Study Confirms Link Between Marijuana Use and Mental Illness

Marijuana is the most popular form of a substance called cannabis, which comes from the leaves, flowers, and stems of a group of related plant species. In the past, a number of studies have linked marijuana use to an elevated risk for developing at least some of the symptoms of certain diagnosable mental illnesses. A […]

Pot Dealer in U.K. Sentenced to Writing Essay

Write a 5000-word essay or do 240 hours of community service?  Although a formal poll hasn’t been taken, it’s not hard to guess the choice most convicted drug dealers would make.  Yet, a 32-year-old UK man said he was “shocked” to hear the sentence handed down to him by the judge.  He was reportedly unable […]