Tag Archives: warning signs

Athletic Success Boosts Self-Esteem, But There’s a Hidden Danger

Numerous studies have shown that involvement with sports has protective benefits. Young people who participate in athletics often exhibit improved self-confidence, a more positive attitude and better overall health. Yet athletes also face a threefold greater risk for developing some form of eating disorder. Eating disorders often occur with or lead to depression. Researchers studied […]

Red Face From Drinking a Sign of Alcohol Intolerance

Doctors and researchers know that some people who consume alcohol have a tendency to develop facial flushing, a condition marked by skin redness and an unusual feeling of warmth or burning. These individuals typically have a lower level of tolerance for alcohol’s physical effects inside the body. In a study published in April 2014 in […]

Brain Scan Can Predict Risky Behavior

Risky behavior is the general term used to describe actions that increase a person’s chances of experiencing harmful or unwanted, short- or long-term life outcomes. People with a tendency toward such actions have heightened odds of getting involved in substance use. In turn, substance use is itself a risky behavior that can produce seriously damaging […]

Can Child’s Temperament Predict Teen Drinking?

A significant number of American teenagers drink alcohol either occasionally or on a regular basis. Even more than adults, these teens expose themselves to a range of potentially severe alcohol-related health risks. In a study published in December 2013 in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, a team of British and American researchers sought […]

First-Time Drug Use Showing Up in Pre-Teens

Most parents consider drug use to be a topic appropriate for kids in their mid-to-late teenage years, not to their pubescent daughters and sons barely out of middle school. However, research by the American Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) suggests that children as young as 12 are using drugs such as hallucinogens […]

The Most Misunderstood Addiction Problem

In Bailey’s sophomore year of high school, her parents divorced and her father moved across the country to be with another woman. Her mother, devastated by the affair she’d discovered months earlier, succumbed to depression. The stress of her parents’ divorce and her feelings of responsibility for her mother’s condition took a toll on her. […]

Subtle (and not-so-subtle) Signs that You May Need Alcohol or Drug Rehab Treatment

Admitting that you have a problem and may need alcohol or drug rehab treatment is very difficult for most people. It’s hard enough to admit it to yourself – and even harder to let others know you need help. But, unless you take that courageous first step, you’ll continue down a path of self-destruction that […]

Keeping up Appearances: 5 Tricks Professionals Use to Hide their Addiction

Professionals have the smarts – and the motivation – to hide a drug or alcohol addiction. After all, they have a lot to lose. They put their reputation, their professional standing, their public image and their relationships in jeopardy if they are seen talking to a drug dealer in a seedy neighborhood or disappear for […]

A Functional Alcoholic

Alcoholism can be tricky. Maybe you have a friend who seems to drink a lot, but you cannot imagine that she is really an alcoholic. She has a good job. She takes care of her responsibilities. She always seems put together. So is it possible that she is dependent on alcohol? The answer is yes. […]

Internet Addiction Is a Real Problem

Whether it is to read the news, visit a social media site, or research a topic, many people go online for a legitimate reason and then wind up spending far more time online than they had originally planned. In fact, in the past 11 years Internet traffic has gone up 528 percent world wide.

Can Suicide Scales Predict a Future Suicide Attempt?

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. It is the only cause of death among the top 20 listed that has experienced a rise in ranking. Suicide rates for those 40-65 years old are undergoing the sharpest increase. Furthermore, 60 percent of completed suicides are successful on the first attempt. […]

Elements CEO Dr. David Sack Appears on Good Morning America

In light of the recent death of Amy Winehouse, Dr. David Sack, CEO of Elements and Promises Treatment Centers, discusses the challenges of getting a loved one into treatment, and the special challenges in helping a celebrity get treatment despite all the signs that the addiction has spiraled out of control.