Tag Archives: Depression Treatment

Groundbreaking Blood Test May Help Prevent Suicide

Could a simple blood test determine who is at a higher risk for suicide? Researchers from Johns Hopkins University say they have discovered a genetic marker linked to the human stress response that could predict a person’s risk of attempting suicide. The study was published in the July 30 edition of the American Journal of […]

Why Isn’t My Depression Treatment Working?

It’s often said by medical and mental health professionals alike that depression is one of the most treatable mental health disorders. While that’s true to a point, treatment for depression isn’t always as helpful as many people would like. Not only is it discouraging when treatment isn’t working, it can make you feel more hopeless […]

At Risk for Depression? Try Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is how the old saying goes, and when it comes to mental health, nothing could be more true. The cost of depression is high, both for the people struggling with the disease and for all of those in their work, family and social circles. Depression […]

Depression Often Undiagnosed But New Medicare Benefit May Help Change That

Bette Davis was famously quoted for saying old age isn’t for sissies, but experts say according to contrary belief, the elderly do not experience depression as often as younger people do. Many of us assume that with multiplying health issues and losing loved ones elderly people sometimes become depressed.

Depression Diagnoses Rising: 30 Million Americans Take Antidepressant Drugs

Depression is increasing in industrialized countries, and no one is sure why. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimates that one in 10 American adults is suffering from depression; in Great Britain, government estimates are as high as one in six. This is roughly triple the rates that occurred in 1992.

Deep Brain Stimulation to Treat Severe Depression

In a world where diseases and disorders are identified with greater precision and specialized pharmaceuticals are designed to treat illnesses with pinpoint efficacy, we tend to forget that medicine remains a “practice.” At least in the western world, we have begun to conclude that every condition has a diagnosis and every diagnosis has a successful […]