Tag Archives: health

Substance Abuse and Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is the collective term for a group of risk factors that, when present together in a given individual, significantly increase long-term risks for serious, potentially fatal health problems such as heart disease, strokes, diabetes and some forms of cancer. The syndrome gets its name because it describes harmful changes in the body’s normal […]

Alcoholism and Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is the medical term for inflammation of the pancreas, an organ near the stomach and liver that secretes several different substances required for the effective processing of food and certain liquids. Some people develop a temporary form of this inflammation called acute pancreatitis, while others develop an ongoing form of inflammation called chronic pancreatitis. […]

Alcoholism, Alcohol Abuse, and Cancer

Alcoholism and alcohol abuse are two conditions that stem from excessive alcohol intake. Technically speaking, alcoholics have an ongoing physical dependence on alcohol, while alcohol abusers have drinking problems that don’t involve physical dependence. Cancer is the general term for cells in the body that grow out of control and damage healthy organs and structures; […]

5 Immunity Boosters to Beat the Seasonal Cold and Flu

There are few times of the year when we’re busier and in greater need of good health than the holidays. Unfortunately, there are also few times when it is harder to stay healthy. Flu season, which typically starts in November and peaks in January/February, strikes up to 20 percent of Americans. Here are five immunity […]

The Role of Addiction in the Obesity Epidemic

We hear it on the news on a nearly daily basis: Americans are fat. Not just overweight or a little pudgy, Americans are obese. It started with adults, but now children are facing the same fate in this country. Too many people are carrying around an excess of weight. Being obese causes a range of […]

Chronic Stress is Detrimental to Health

Stress is not just a state of mind. It can manifest itself in many physical ways as well. After all, it is stress that propels the body into the ‘fight or flight’ response. Stress can trigger migraine headaches and cause ulcers, increase heart rate, and elevate blood pressure. If the body is left in a […]

Reclaiming Life After the Ravages of Meth Addiction

Once someone who’s been addicted to meth goes through treatment, those who love and care for that person may breathe a sigh of relief. At last, you think, the nightmare is over and everything will get back to normal. The reality is that meth addiction is tough to get over. Even after treatment, which may […]