Tag Archives: stress

Pregnancy Stress May Be Passed Down to Multiple Generations

A new study published in BMC Medicine suggests that the effects of a stressful environment during pregnancy can be passed down to later generations. The research team, led by Gerlinde Metz, Ph.D., of the University of Lethbridge, examined the effects of stress over four generations of rats. They found that stress in previous generations did […]

7 Tips for a Healthier Commute

Commuting is a daily chore that you probably don’t give much thought — but maybe you should starting thinking about it. The average commute for an American worker is 25 minutes each way, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That’s roughly eight and a half days per year spent getting to and from work.

Anxiety, Depression Plague College Students, Survey Finds

Going off to college is a major life event for a teenager. For many it is the first time away from home for an extended period of time. In a way, going to college and living on campus is like a first step toward living without your parents and toward becoming an adult in the […]

‘Love Hormone’ Oxytocin Can Also Breed Fear, Anxiety

Oxytocin is the name of a natural substance, classified as a hormone, which forms in the brain and circulates throughout the bloodstream. During childbirth, doctors can use oxytocin injections to induce labor, quicken labor or decrease the risk for bleeding immediately following labor. Scientific evidence indicates that this hormone also plays a vital role in […]

Decorate Your Cubicle or Suffer the Consequences

If you work in a cubicle, or really any type of office space, you know how bleak it can look. The gray walls, the beige carpet, the dividing boundaries between you and your co-workers, the fluorescent lights overhead; all of these things make for a boring space in which to work. Keeping a small potted […]

Stress and Your Health: A Bigger Threat

Your life experiences could be an indicator as to the health of your heart. An article in Science News shares information about a study that found a link between traumatic events in a person’s life to cardiovascular health.

Chronic Stress is Detrimental to Health

Stress is not just a state of mind. It can manifest itself in many physical ways as well. After all, it is stress that propels the body into the ‘fight or flight’ response. Stress can trigger migraine headaches and cause ulcers, increase heart rate, and elevate blood pressure. If the body is left in a […]

Anger and Trauma

Victims of trauma experience severe violations of personal boundaries. Consequently, persistent anger and anger management problems are common characteristics of individuals who have experienced traumatic events. This is true for survivors of abuse as well as for survivors of other types of adverse incidents. If loss occurs, anger as a stage of grieving is a […]

Troubled Children Can Increase Parents’ Stress, Even as Adults

Addiction and mental illnesses have been called “family diseases” because these types of behavioral health problems affect the well-being of the entire household. Now, researchers have proven that children who have led poor lifestyles—such as substance abuse, chronic behavioral health issues, problems with the law, or financial troubles— well into adulthood still pose a major […]

Study Examines Unhealthy Behaviors in Response to Stress

When people are under chronic stress, they tend to smoke, drink, use drugs and overeat to help cope with stress. These behaviors trigger a biological cascade that helps prevent depression, but they also contribute to a host of physical problems that eventually contribute to early death. That is the claim of University of Michigan social […]

Resilience Factor Low in Mice with Depression

Scientists have discovered a mechanism that helps to explain resilience to stress, vulnerability to depression and how antidepressants work. The new findings, in the reward circuit of mouse and human brains, have spurred a high tech dragnet for compounds that boost the action of a key gene regulator there, called deltaFosB.

Biological Link Between Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

Scientists at the University of Western Ontario have discovered the biological link between stress, anxiety and depression. By identifying the connecting mechanism in the brain, this high impact research led by Stephen Ferguson of Robarts Research Institute shows exactly how stress and anxiety could lead to depression. The study also reveals a small molecule inhibitor […]

Study Examines Connection of Stress, Anxiety and Depression in the Brain

Is there a biological link between stress, anxiety and depression? Researchers at the Robarts Research Institute and the University of Western Ontario think so, as presented in this recent Science Daily post. They believe that by identifying the connecting mechanism in the brain, the research demonstrates exactly how stress and anxiety can lead to depression.

Chronic Workplace Stress and Lack of Exercise Linked to Obesity

A new study has found that chronic job stress and lack of physical activity are strongly associated with being overweight or obese. Unexpectedly, researchers also found that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables did little to offset the effect of chronic job stress on weight gain among the employees, who were mostly sedentary. Instead, exercise […]

Stress May Lead to Grinding Teeth at Night

People who are stressed by daily problems or trouble at work seem to be more likely to grind their teeth at night, a new study has found. Researchers writing in BioMed Central’s open access journal Head & Face Medicine studied the causes of “sleep bruxism,” or gnashing teeth during the night, finding that it was especially common […]

Children More Prone to Stress Thrive Depending Upon Home Environment

There are so many negative things about stress, it is a wonder it doesn’t have a more prominent focus in medical research. A new study by scientists at the University of British Columbia, the University of California, San Francisco, and the University of California, Berkeley and featured in Science Daily, examines the role of stress […]

Study Examines Health Impact of Chronic Worry

Worrying has plagued the human race since the dawn of time. Folk lore and urban legends warn of the misery worrying can bring, yet it is part of human nature to worry – even when it produces negative results. Science Daily recently reported on research from Purdue University suggesting chronic worrying can lead to early […]

Strained Work Partner Relationships Breed Stress

Work life can be stressful for a number of people and some industries have proven to cause more stress than others. Now, a new study presented in a Science Daily piece finds that a good partner relationship can act as a buffer for those exposed to work-related stress. “The relationship reduces the negative effects of […]