Tag Archives: hoarding

DSM-V: Hoarding New Mental-Disorder Diagnoses

Hoarding disorder is the name of a psychiatric condition that produces symptoms such as the compulsive urge to acquire unusually large amounts of possessions and an inability to voluntarily get rid of those possessions, even when they have no practical usefulness or monetary value. Until recently, mental health guidelines in the United States viewed hoarding […]

Compulsive Hoarding: Finding Help for ‘Cat Ladies’ of All Stripes

A huge closet full of clothes. An endless array of shoes. Multiple pets. In popular culture, it’s common to accuse women of “hoarding” certain types of objects. While oftentimes the female pack rat image is merely a joke, there are many instances in which the behavior indicates a serious disorder. Compulsive hoarding, which is often […]

Clutter Addiction

Clutter Addiction, or cluttering, is a compulsive behavior that involves living with an overwhelming and unmanageable environment that negatively affects one’s mental and emotional wellbeing. While not a distinct condition recognized medically in psychiatry, Clutter Addiction has become widely recognized and there are recovery self-help groups similar to Alcoholics Anonymous that specifically address cluttering. Cluttering […]

OCD and Hoarding Expert Panel at EverydayHealth.com

EverydayHealth.com has created an OCD and Hoarding panel in its section on anxiety disorders. They have included a number of experts in the discussion, including Jeff Szymanski, PhD of the International OCD Foundation; Jonathan Abramowitz, PhD, a specialist in the treatment of OCD and Professor of Psychology at the University of North Carolina – Chapel […]

Hoarding: A Compulsive Mental Disorder

Many of us hang on to treasures and memorabilia from the past, but our homes are not so overwhelmed with clutter that it becomes detrimental to our health and safety, let alone our sanity. Others are not so lucky. For some individuals, hoarding, or the obsessive compulsion to collect anything and everything – has become […]

Hoarders: Not Just “Packrats”

“Makeover” shows can be very entertaining—they usually involve making over the appearance of someone who may have low self-esteem, or building a new home for a family devastated by loss. Some shows offer cleaning services to families who households are disorganized and chaotic. These shows can teach, instill kindness, or even be beneficial or rewarding […]