Tag Archives: Mental Health

Once-Broken Mom Moves Beyond Stigma to Strength

To those in AA, it’s known as The Big Book. Chrisi Hard’s copy is deep blue with the title Alcoholics Anonymous embossed in the same color on the cover, rendering the words almost invisible. “They design them that way,” she explains, “so that if you’re reading it in a coffee shop or somewhere, no one […]

Childhood Cancer Survivors More Likely To Develop Mental Health Disorders Later in Life

A new study from Denmark shows that people who suffer from cancer when they are children are more likely to develop mental health problems when they are adults. The study also found that the young siblings of children with cancer are at greater risk for mental health problems than the general population. The study was […]

Research Confirms Mediterranean Diet Is Good for the Mind

Mediterranean diet is the common term for dietary practices traditionally found in the regions along the rim of the Mediterranean Sea, which sits between Europe and Africa. Over the years, numerous individual research teams have concluded that adherence to this type of diet lowers the risks for dementia, a mental health condition characterized by a […]

Fish Oil May Help Prevent Alcohol Abusers From Dementia

Alcohol-related dementia is an unofficial term used to describe a decline in mental function caused by the habitual, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. The American Psychiatric Association recognizes this dementia under a more general heading called “substance/medication-induced major or mild neurocognitive disorder.” In a study presented in September 2013 by Loyola University Chicago, a team […]

Mental Illness Awareness Week Launched

10 Myths About Mental Illness Are Debunked. This week, Oct. 6 to Oct. 12, we are celebrating Mental Illness Awareness Week, also known as Mental Health Awareness Week. “Celebrating” might seem like an odd word as the mention of the phrase “mental health” will inevitably bring up thoughts of suffering and dysfunction. But as we […]

Study Reveals Why Some Schizophrenics Lack Motivation

When most people think of schizophrenia, they probably focus on the psychotic symptoms classically associated with the disorder. However, psychosis represents just one aspect of schizophrenia’s impact, and people affected by the illness also commonly experience a range of problems collectively known as “negative” symptoms. A new study, published in July 2013 in the journal […]

Blood Pressure Medicine Works for Schizophrenia

Acute schizophrenia is a term used to describe episodes of relatively severe schizophrenia-related symptoms that have a strongly negative impact on a person’s ability to function. Doctors can combat the effects of these episodes with the help of a number of different antipsychotic medications. However, these medications only work in certain individuals and typically come […]

Factors That Influence Teen Gender Dysphoria

Gender dysphoria is the mental health term for a disruptive inner conflict between one’s physical/biological gender and one’s personal identification as male or female. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) began using this term in 2013 when it released the newest edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. In a study published in […]

Female Combat Vets at Higher Risk for Mental Disorders, Study Finds

Military service is honorable, but it can also be damaging. Many vets come home from battle with serious physical scars. They also return with mental and emotional scars. For a long time, the mental health status among veterans was not much discussed, and only minimally studied. Today, the vets returning from Afghanistan and Iraq are […]

Mental Health: U.S. vs. U.K.

The huge cultural overlap between the U.S. and U.K. covers many elements of life in the countries, but healthcare is one area with a historical divide. The U.K., like Canada, has what is disparagingly referred to as “socialized healthcare,” whereas the U.S. system is privatized, turning the requirement for good health into an opportunity for […]

Mental Health in America After Aurora and Newtown: Has Anything Changed?

When a mentally deranged gunman opened fire on a theater full of unsuspecting movie goers in Aurora, Colo., on July 20, 2012, killing 12 and wounding 70, it shocked and saddened the entire nation. A vigorous debate about the merits of more restrictive gun control laws soon followed, as Americans tried to make sense of […]

Swedish Study Re-Affirms Link Between Mental Illness, Shortened Lifespan

In July 2013, the results of a massive 41-year Swedish study on epilepsy were published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet. Among its more notable findings, this multi-generational research project uncovered a clear connection between mental illness in epileptic patients and premature death.

Decorate Your Cubicle or Suffer the Consequences

If you work in a cubicle, or really any type of office space, you know how bleak it can look. The gray walls, the beige carpet, the dividing boundaries between you and your co-workers, the fluorescent lights overhead; all of these things make for a boring space in which to work. Keeping a small potted […]

Brian Williams’ Ariel Castro ‘Face of Mental Illness’ Comment Assailed

Ariel Castro imprisoned and raped three women for over a decade. There are many words you can use to describe a person like this — monstrous, terrifying, cruel, brutal and even inhuman — but there are also many words you shouldn’t use. This is a lesson we can only hope NBC anchor Brian Williams has […]

iPhone App Helps Schizophrenics Block Voices

Auditory hallucinations are sound-based hallucinations that frequently occur inside the minds of people with the mental disorder schizophrenia, and also occur inside the minds of some psychologically healthy people. In schizophrenic individuals, the presence of these hallucinations can effectively block genuine sound input from the outside world and contribute significantly to the break with reality […]

Who Knew? Long-Term Marijuana Use Blunts Motivation, Study Finds

Images of stoners staring off into space, reacting with sudden or unexpected moves to threats only they can see are a mainstay of movies and television plots where long-term drug use plays at least a peripheral part of the overall plot. In fact, audiences are so used to associating complete lack of motivation with chronic […]

Depression in Preschool Is Real

Preschool depression is the term mental health professionals use to describe symptoms of major depression that appear in children younger than 6. At one point, there was considerable doubt among these professionals that such a condition truly existed. However, evidence gathered in the last several years strongly supports its reality. According to a study published […]

New Definition of Depression Includes Sustained Grief

Major depression is a life-altering mental health disorder that affects children, teenagers and adults. However, for a number of reasons, older adults with depression-related symptoms often don’t receive a depression diagnosis. In order to at least partially rectify this situation (and accomplish a number of other goals), the organization responsible for creating the standard definition […]

Overview of Treatments for Depression

While depression, or major depressive disorder, is a condition that has likely existed throughout human history, depression-specific treatments are relatively new. For centuries, the medical world was not able to successfully distinguish between different kinds of mental illness. Once depression was isolated as a unique disorder, science was able to begin developing treatment options that […]