Tag Archives: Addiction

Obsessive Tanning Is a Real Addiction

Excessive tanning, obsessive tanning, tanorexia, tanning addiction, whatever you call it, tanning too frequently and for too long is dangerous. Intentionally exposing your skin to ultraviolet (UV) light, either under the sun or in a tanning bed, doesn’t just cause you to wrinkle prematurely, it causes cancer. This comes as no surprise to most people. […]

Outpatient Addiction Treatment Program Serving Clients With Co-Occurring Mental Disorders Opens at Right Step Galleria

June 24, 2014 — Right Step Galleria, an intensive outpatient drug and alcohol treatment facility in Houston, Texas, opens New Leaf, an outpatient program designed to treat not only substance abuse, but also any underlying mental health conditions that a patient might have, such as anxiety, depression and emotional trauma. Led by a team of […]

Graham MacIndoe’s Photo Diary Haunting Look at Addiction

Documentary-style projects ordinarily have their focus firmly on somebody else, offering an insight into the individual’s life from the perspective of a third-party filmmaker. If the filmmaker ensures the individual is comfortable enough, it allows painfully real moments to be immortalized on screen and offers the audience an in-depth look into a new issue. But […]

Kennedy Assails Obama on Marijuana Claims

The war on drugs seems to be grinding to a halt across the U.S., thanks to legislation enacted in Colorado and Washington allowing the legal sale of marijuana and an apparent nationwide shift in opinion on the subject. Now, as the first legal, retail store purchases of marijuana are getting underway in Colorado, New York […]

How to Stop Enabling Your Grown-Up Child

From changing diapers to zipping zippers and wiping noses, there probably isn’t much that you haven’t done for your child. The role of “parent” has certainly changed throughout history, but caretaking and guiding a child from birth through adolescence and into adulthood is a fairly universal process that involves doing quite a bit for our […]

Mike Tyson Tells Matt Lauer: ‘I Won’t Survive If I Don’t Get Help’

Heavyweight  boxer Mike Tyson has survived a world of scrutiny as his post-championship career included imprisonment for rape, a face tattoo and other out-of-control behavior. But he told NBC “Today Show” host Matt Lauer and millions of viewers Thursday that his relapse from sobriety and internal demons may kill him.

The Skinny on Cocaine: Why Drug Causes Weight Loss May Surprise You

There is a widespread assumption that cocaine use suppresses one’s appetite and thereby contributes to weight loss, and that during withdrawal, the “rebound” from this effect leads to rapid weight gain. However, new research from the University of Cambridge has provided evidence against this assumption, and while the overall effect is essentially the same, the […]

Beating Addiction Out of You … Literally

You’re made to lie down on the sterile medical bed with your buttocks exposed, and advised—helpfully—to grip the bed to help you cope with the pain. Then you receive 30 lashes with a willow branch—right across the backside—enough to leave a mark, but not enough to draw blood or cause lasting damage. You’d be forgiven […]

‘Breaking Bad’: When Pop Culture Takes on the Drug Trade

Since its debut in 2008, the critically acclaimed television show “Breaking Bad” has enjoyed great success and a devoted following. It’s a classic Dr. Jekyll turns Mr. Hyde story that features deadly methamphetamine, the black market and one man landing himself in the middle of it all. But what message does “Breaking Bad” send to […]

Painkiller Overdose Deaths Among Women Reach Epidemic Proportions

Prescription painkillers have been a growing problem in the United States for years. Because they are controlled, but legal, painkillers are viewed as safer than street drugs by too many people. The result is more addictions, more overdoses, and more deaths caused by medications like oxycodone, hydrocodone, and others. According to recent information released by […]

Get a Life: Re-Entering Society After Addiction

Any battle with addiction is difficult. Any recovery period feels long and takes its toll on your life. However, if you have had a particularly lengthy struggle with addiction and time spent in recovery, the havoc it wreaks on your life can be overwhelming. While being an addict, trying to quit, and going through recovery, […]

Narconon Stockpiles Addicts, Erroneously Claims 70 Percent Success Rate

Narconon has reportedly completed renovations to its “Freedom Center” in Michigan, allowing it to now house up to 100 recovering drug users. The news would be excellent if we were talking about any other organization, as more treatment options are always a good thing in the world of drug and alcohol addiction, but sadly the […]

Designer Drugs: What They Are and Why Their Use Is Growing: Part II

Appearing in the media more often than not recently, designer drugs are rapidly cultivating a reputation for being dangerous and spreading as fast as a pandemic. There’s a reason for users’ preference for designer drugs over their illegal counterparts—until as recently as last year, most designer drugs were legal, which has changed with the 2012 […]

Cocaine Use and Heart Attack

Heart attack is the common name for a disruption of the normal supply of blood flowing to any given portion of the heart muscle; doctors and researchers refer to the condition more formally as a myocardial infarction. Without its required supply of oxygen-bearing blood, the heart muscle will die off quickly, producing a situation that […]

Simultaneous Occurrence (Comorbidity) of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness

Comorbidity is a term that doctors use to describe the simultaneous presence of two or more diseases or disorders within the same person. In addition to merely being present at the same time, these conditions interact significantly, alter each other’s expression within the body, and alter each other’s long-term outcome. Strong comorbidity exists between substance […]

Treating Addiction Without Treating Trauma Often Leads to Relapse

Treatment specialists stress that in order for patients to completely pull away from an addiction, any underlying trauma in the patient must first be identified and healed. If the patient has no other means of coping with the trauma than with drugs or alcohol, than the cycle repeats itself, sometimes even years after a person […]

Chances the Dog: A Symbol of Recovery and Second Chances

From being abused as a puppy by her original owners and being attacked by other dogs to surviving a handful of car accidents and two bouts of cancer, Chances, the lovable, often scarf-clad Boxer mix you’ve likely seen around Promises Treatment Centers, has been through a lot. But Patricia Meyers, Chances’ owner and Clinical Director […]

Addiction-Related Trauma

The consequences of an active and unchecked addictive disorder can be far reaching and devastatingly impactful as every aspect of an individual’s life becomes vulnerable to the effects of problematic substance use. Losses occur across the spectrum of daily life—in relationships, finances, physical health, mental and emotional stability, self-esteem, self-image, spirituality, motivation and confidence. The […]

Writers In Treatment Hosts Second Annual Reel Recovery Film Festival

The Los Angeles-based nonprofit recovery organization for writers affected by alcoholism or substance abuse, Writers In Treatment (WIT), will be hosting its second annual Reel Recovery Film Festival from October 27–30 in Hollywood, California, and November 11–14 in Nashville, Tennessee. After its successful debut in 2009, the Reel Recovery Film Festival is continuing to celebrate […]

Video Game Addiction Growing in England

London’s The Evening Post reported that an increasing number of young people in England are seeking treatment for addiction to video games. Young addicts are skipping meals, stealing money from their parents to buy games, and ditching school—all in the name of playing video games. An expert warned that for some teens, playing games for […]

Resilience Factor Low in Mice with Depression

Scientists have discovered a mechanism that helps to explain resilience to stress, vulnerability to depression and how antidepressants work. The new findings, in the reward circuit of mouse and human brains, have spurred a high tech dragnet for compounds that boost the action of a key gene regulator there, called deltaFosB.

Celebrity Deaths Highlight Power of Addiction

Addiction is hard to get over, no matter the drug of choice. The recent overdose and death of actor Corey Haim demonstrates the impact addition and drug use can have on a life, no matter what path the individual has taken. ABC News posted a recent piece, highlighting the impact addiction can have even on […]