Tag Archives: Addiction Treatment

Can the Antipsychotic Quetiapine Ease the Effects of Cannabis Withdrawal?

Quetiapine (Seroquel) is a medication designed to treat the symptoms of psychosis in people affected by schizophrenia, as well as the symptoms associated with depression and bipolar disorder. Previous studies have also indicated that the medication may have usefulness in the treatment of certain disorders related to substance abuse, including a condition called cannabis withdrawal. […]

Women Open Doors in Addiction Treatment

The history of addiction and treatment has largely been the realm of men. Addictive substances have been around for thousands of years, and men have mostly been the ones to participate in their consumption. As a result, more men have been addicts throughout history, and required treatment, than women. This does not mean that women […]

Treatment Wait List Deadly for Opiate Addicts

People addicted to the powerful drugs and medications called opioids typically need treatment in a program aimed at addressing and overcoming the effects of these narcotic substances. However, in some cases, addicts wishing to enter treatment for opioid addiction must wait until spaces in the appropriate programs open up.

Homeless Veteran’s Makeover Leaves Addiction Intact

Fifteen million people have watched the video makeover of Jim Wolf, from scruffy homeless veteran to well-groomed man in a suit. In 2 minutes and 50 seconds, a time-lapse transformation emerges of a fashionably bearded man ready for work. Wolf felt grateful, his sister said, for the global attention that drew atta-boys and job offers; […]

Benefits of 12-Step Programs for People With a Dual Diagnosis

Dual diagnosis is the term mental health professionals use to describe someone diagnosed simultaneously with drug or alcohol-related abuse/addiction and a separate mental disorder such as depression or schizophrenia. People who receive such a diagnosis face unique challenges on their road to recovery and restoration of physical/mental health. In a study published in September 2013 […]

Antabuse Helps Alcoholics Stop Drinking

Alcoholism is a destructive addiction that can literally ruin people’s lives. Whether you’re struggling with excessive drinking yourself or you love someone who is, you understand all too well the path of devastation this chronic condition can bring, from splintered relationships to serious medical issues. Professional addiction treatment, individual therapy and attending support groups can […]

Blood Pressure Medicine Works for Schizophrenia

Acute schizophrenia is a term used to describe episodes of relatively severe schizophrenia-related symptoms that have a strongly negative impact on a person’s ability to function. Doctors can combat the effects of these episodes with the help of a number of different antipsychotic medications. However, these medications only work in certain individuals and typically come […]

Mental Health: U.S. vs. U.K.

The huge cultural overlap between the U.S. and U.K. covers many elements of life in the countries, but healthcare is one area with a historical divide. The U.K., like Canada, has what is disparagingly referred to as “socialized healthcare,” whereas the U.S. system is privatized, turning the requirement for good health into an opportunity for […]

U.S. Moves to Scale Back Mandatory Drug Sentences

In a speech before the American Bar Association on Aug. 12, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder revealed a plan for reform of the federal court system that could dramatically affect the way that drug crimes are prosecuted. Looking to rein in mandatory sentencing guidelines, which have frequently forced judges to impose steep prison terms on […]

Beating Addiction Out of You … Literally

You’re made to lie down on the sterile medical bed with your buttocks exposed, and advised—helpfully—to grip the bed to help you cope with the pain. Then you receive 30 lashes with a willow branch—right across the backside—enough to leave a mark, but not enough to draw blood or cause lasting damage. You’d be forgiven […]

Decoding Research Claims: How Do We Know What Works?

Whether we’re talking about a new medication or a different psychotherapy technique, at some point you’ll hear the phrase “studies show” that it works. Or you may have read that “research indicates” that a particular intervention (for example, practicing yoga to help improve mood) is effective. Perhaps you’ve wondered about this: what kind of studies? […]

Vivitrol Blocks Heroin High

There is a relatively new treatment for addiction on the market. It isn’t a new type of therapy or a variation of a 12-step program and it isn’t a replacement for a drug, like methadone, which acts as a replacement for heroin. The new drug, called Vivitrol, is an injection that prevents addicts from getting […]

Nurturing Atmosphere at The Ranch Drew Coordinator Stephanie Fultz Back ‘Home’

“This too shall pass” has been a guiding principle in Stephanie Fultz’s life. To her, this phrase is a reminder that no matter how difficult the situation, there’s always someone there to help. Stephanie prides herself on being that person who provides a sympathetic ear and emotional support while others are waiting for hard times […]

Weight Loss Drug Helps Curb Cocaine Addiction

Topiramate, an FDA-approved drug for the treatment of epilepsy and weight loss, may also prove effective in helping curb cocaine use in people addicted to both alcohol and cocaine. So say researchers at Penn Medicine’s department of psychiatry in a study published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence. But while prior studies by other researchers indicated […]

New Treatment for Schizophrenia Discovered in Finland

Schizophrenia is extreme form of mental illness commonly treated with a number of medications called antipsychotics, as well as with secondary means such as psychotherapy and a group of life skills training techniques collectively known as psychosocial treatments. Unfortunately, antipsychotic medications sometimes fail to adequately stabilize people with schizophrenia, or produce side effects that make […]

Get a Life: Re-Entering Society After Addiction

Any battle with addiction is difficult. Any recovery period feels long and takes its toll on your life. However, if you have had a particularly lengthy struggle with addiction and time spent in recovery, the havoc it wreaks on your life can be overwhelming. While being an addict, trying to quit, and going through recovery, […]

Narconon Stockpiles Addicts, Erroneously Claims 70 Percent Success Rate

Narconon has reportedly completed renovations to its “Freedom Center” in Michigan, allowing it to now house up to 100 recovering drug users. The news would be excellent if we were talking about any other organization, as more treatment options are always a good thing in the world of drug and alcohol addiction, but sadly the […]

Could New Drug Help Alcoholics ‘Forget’ They’re Addicted?

Ttreatments for addiction usually take one of several forms. Either they’re an outright attempt to immunize people against addiction or otherwise block the effects of the drug, a safer version of the substance used to abate cravings, or a substance used specifically to reduce the impact of withdrawal. However, new research published in the journal […]